• About me

    Jing Liu is currently an associate professor at College of Water Resources, the North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power, and a director at the Water Environment Research Institute in the College of Water Resources, the North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power, China. She received the Ph.D. degree in Hydrology and Water Resources from the Zhengzhou University, China in 2017.


    Dr. Liu's research interests include Water Pollution in Lakes and Rivers, Water Resources Management, Migration and Transformation of Nutrients in Surface Water and Hyporheic Zone, Water Ecological Environment Impacted by Dam-controlled Rivers, Hydrological and Water Quality Model Development, River/Lake/Wetland Health Assessment and Water Source Protection, partly sponsored by National Natural Science Foundation of China, Ministry of Water Resources of the People's Republic of China and Water Resources Department of Henan Province. Her work has been published journals and conferences both nationally and internationally. In addition, she is a professional and academic tutor with more than 6 years' experience in higher education and teaches undergraduate courses such as Water Environment Assessment and Protectionis, Water Conservancy and Hydropower Engineering, Urban Ecological Environment and Chemistry.


    Research Directions: Hydrology and water resources, watershed planning and management, water environment and water ecology


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    Academic Visiting Scholar

  • Funding

    1. Liu, J. (PI). The transport and transformation mechanism of nutrient in hyporheic zone of the sluice-controlled river. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2020-2022, Grant No. 51909091.(国家自然科学基金青年项目,闸控河流潜流带营养盐运移转化机制研究,51909091,2020/01-2022/12,主持)
    2. Liu, J. (PI). Study and Application of the Impact of Land Use Changes in Cities Along the Mainstream of the Yellow River in Henan Province on Ecosystem Services. Supported by Science and Technology Projects of Water Resources Department of Henan Province, China, 2023.06-2024.09, Grant No. GG202332. (河南省水利科技攻关项目,河南省黄河干流沿岸城市土地利用变化对生态系统服务的影响研究与应用,GG202332,2023.06-2024.09,主持)
    3. Liu, J. (PI). Urban Water Supply Security Technology in the South-to-North Water Transfer Receiving Areas. Supported by Zhengzhou's Science and Technology Collaborative Innovation Special Project, 2022.9-2024.8.( 郑州市科技协同创新专项项目,南水北调受水区城市供水安全保障技术研究,2022.9-2024.8, 主持)
    4. Liu, J. (PI). Analysis of Eutrophication Risk and Key Influencing Factors in dam-controlled Rivers, Supported by Innovation Training Project of North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power, 2023/11-2024/11, Grant No. 2023XB291.(闸控河流富营养化风险与关键影响因子分析,2023XB291,华北水利水电大学创新训练项目, 2023/11-2024/11,2023XB291,主持)
    5. Liu, J. (PI). Surface Water Quality Prediction Based on Machine Learning, Supported by Innovation Training Project of North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power, 2023/11-2024/11, Grant No.2023XB282.(基于机器学习的地表水水质预测研究,华北水利水电大学创新训练项目, 2023/11-2024/11,2023XB282,主持)
    6. Liu, J. (CI). Evolution of the Wetland Ecosystem in the Yellow River Delta and Its Multi-scale Correlation Mechanisms. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2023/01-2026/12, Grant No. 52279014. (国家自然科学基金面上项目,黄河三角洲湿地生态系统演变及其多尺度关联机制研究,52279014,2023/01-2026/12,参与)
    7. Liu, J. (CI). The driving mechanism of algal bloom under the light and salt disturbance in sluice-controlled river. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2017-2020, Grant No.51679218.(国家自然科学基金面上项目,光盐扰动下闸控河流水华暴发的驱动机制研究,51679218,2017/01-2020/12,参与)
    8. Liu, J. (CI). The methods of baseflow simulation for the different runoff generation by rainfall, snowpack and /or glacier. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2016-2018, Grant No.51509222.(国家自然科学基金青年项目,雨-雪-冰不同产流下河川基流过程模拟方法研究,51509222,2016/01-2018/12,参与)
    9. Liu, J. (CI). Mutual feedback mechanism and comprehensive control of water, economy and ecosystem in the Yellow River Basin of Henan Province. Supported by Central Plains Science and technology innovation leader Project of Henan Province, China, 2021-2022, Grant No. 214200510001.(中原科技创新领军人才项目,河南省黄河流域水—经济—生态系统互馈机理与综合调控,214200510001,2021/01-2022/12,参与)
    10. Liu, J. (CI). Development the supervision and management schemes for water resources regulation of major river basins in China. Supported by Ministry of Water Resources of the People's Republic of China, 2019-2020, Grant No. 2130304101.(水利部项目,重要江河流域水资源调度监督管理方案,2130304101,2019/05- 2019/12,参与)
    11. Liu, J. (CI). Evaluation and Optimization of Water Resources and Water Environment Carrying Capacity in Henan Province: A Study on Strategies for Enhanced Utilization. Henan Science and Technology Think Tank Research Project, 2019-2020, Grant No. 2019048.(河南科技智库调研课题“河南省水资源-水环境承载力评价与优化利用对策研究”,2019048,2019-2020,参与)
    12. Liu, J. (CI). Quantitative relationship between benthos and its influencing factors in sluice-controlled river. Supported by Key scientific research project of colleges and universities of Henan Province, 2020-2021, Grant No. 20A570003.(河南省高等学校重点科研项目,闸控河流底栖动物及其影响因子定量关系研究,20A570003,2020/01-2021/12,参与)
    13. Liu, J. (CI). Evaluation of Regional Higher Education Development Levels and Strategies for Spatial Balanced Development in China. Henan Provincial Education Science Planning Project, 2022.06-2023.12.(河南省教育科学规划课题,我国区域高等教育发展水平评价及空间均衡发展策略研究, 2022.06-2023.12,参与)