• Publications

    • Zang, C., Liu, J.*, Wang, X., Liu, Q., & Zhang, X. Evaluating water ecological health in dam-impacted river: A new approach framework. Ecological Indicators, 2024, 161, 111998.(SCI,TOP)
    • Wei, H., Rao, Y., Liu, J*. et al. Impact on urban river water quality and pollution control of water environmental management projects based on SMS-Mike21 coupled simulation. Sci Rep, 2024, 14, 6492.(SCI)
    • Huaibin Wei, Yao Wang, Jing Liu*, Jing Zhang, Yongxiao Cao. Coordinated development of cultivated land use and ecological protection in cities along the main stream of the Yellow River in Henan Province, China.Ecological Indicators, 2023, 156:111143.(SCI,TOP)
    • Wei, Huaibin, Yao Wang, Jing Liu*, and Yongxiao Cao. Monthly Runoff Prediction by Combined Models Based on Secondary Decomposition at the Wulong Hydrological Station in the Yangtze River Basin. Water 2023, 15, 3717.(SCI)
    • Wei, Huaibin, Yao Wang, Jing Liu*, Yongxiao Cao, and Xinyu Zhang. Spatiotemporal Variations of Water Eutrophication and Non-Point Source Pollution Prevention and Control in the Main Stream of the Yellow River in Henan Province from 2012 to 2021. Sustainability, 2023, 15, 14754.(SCI, SSCI)
    • Jiao, H.; Li, Y*.; Wei, H.; Liu, J.; Cheng, L.; Chen, Y. Construction of River Health Assessment System in Areas with Significant Human Activity and Its Application. Water 2023, 15, 2969. (SCI)
    • Zang, Chao, Huan Liu*, Guotao Cui, and Jing Liu. Spatiotemporal Patterns of Hydrological Variables in Water-Resource Regions of China, Water, 2023, 15(9), 1643. (SCI)
    • Jing Liu, Chao Zang*, Qiting Zuo, Chunhui Han, Stefan Krause. Application and comparison of different models for quantifying the aquatic community in a dam-controlled river. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2023, 20(5): 4148.
    • 魏怀斌,孙志航, 刘静*. 城市化进程对贾鲁河径流变化的影响分析 [J]. 水电能源科学, 2023, 41 (07): 16-18. (北大核心
    • 魏怀斌,李卓艺,刘静*等. 湖库型饮用水水源地安全评估指标体系研究 [J/OL]. 华北水利水电大学学报(自然科学版), 1-8.(北大核心)
    • Jing Liu, Xinyu Zhang, Huaibin Wei*. Nutrient Distribution and Exchange Flux at the Sediment-water Interface in the Hyporheic Zone of the Sluice-controlled River. Earth and Environment, 2023: 1-11. / 刘静,张鑫钰,魏怀斌*. 闸控河流潜流带沉积物-水界面营养盐分布及交换通量研究[J]. 地球与环境,2023.(CSCD、北大核心,T2)
    • Huaibin Wei, Yao Wang, Jing Liu* and Ran Zeng. Heavy Metal in River Sediments of Huanghua City in Water Diversion Area from Yellow River, China: Contamination, Ecological Risks, and Sources. Water, 2023,15, 58. (SCI)
    • Huaibin Wei, Shiwei Zhao, Jing Liu* and Lili Zhang. Benefit Evaluation of Comprehensive Control of Groundwater Overexploitation. Journal of North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power (Natural Science Edition): 1-8. / 魏怀斌, 赵士威, 刘静*, 张丽莉 . 地下水超采综合治理效益评价[J/OL]. 华北水利水电大学学报(自然科学版): 1-8. [2023-07-16]. (北大核心)
    • Jing Liu, Zhongqiang Wu, Huaibin Wei*,Xin Wang. Wetland Health Assessment: Case Study of The Nandagang Wetland, China. Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, 2022, 23(3):1269-1277. (SCI)
    • Huaibin Wei, Liyuan Zhang and Jing Liu*. Hydrodynamic Modelling and Flood Risk Analysis of Urban Catchments under Multiple Scenarios: A Case Study of Dongfeng Canal District, Zhengzhou. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022, 19(22):14630. (SCI)
    • Liu Jing, Song Menglin, Zang Chao*, et al.Research on Variation of Groundwater Depth and Key Influencing Factors in Songliao Plain. Journal of North China university of water resources and electric power ( natural science edition ), 2021,42 (2): 58-65. / 刘静,宋梦林,臧超*,殷仁春. 松辽平原地下水埋深变化及关键影响因子分析[J]. 华北水利水电大学学报:自然科学版,2021,42(2): 58-65. (北大核心)
    • Qiting Zuo, Chunhui Han, Jing Liu*, et al. Quantitative researchon the water ecological environment of dam-controlled rivers: case study of the Shaying River, China[J]. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 2019, 64(16): 2129-2140.(SCI)
    • Qiting Zuo, Chunhui Han*,Jing Liu and Junxia Ma. A new methodfor water quality assessment: by Harmony Degree Equation[J]. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2018.2.22, 190(3): 162. (SCI)
    • Zuo, Q. T.*, Han, C. H., Ma, J. X., Liu, J. Water resources characteristics and supporting capacity for “the Belt and Road” in China mainland. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 2017, 48(6): 631-639. / 左其亭,韩春辉,马军霞,刘静. “一带一路”中国大陆区水资源特征及支撑能力研究[J]. 水利学报,2017,48(6): 631~639 (EI,T1)
    • Qiting Zuo, Chunhui Han, Junxia Ma and Jing Liu. Evaluation methodology of harmony degree equation (HDE) and its application. Systems Engineering -Theory & Practice, 2017, 37(12): 3281-3288. / 左其亭,韩春辉,马军霞,刘静. 和谐度方程(HDE)评价方法及应用[J]. 系统工程理论与实践,2017,37(12): 3281~3288. (EI,T1)
    • Zuo, Q. T., Chen H., Zhang Y. Y.*, Dou, M., Liu, J. Rotifers community structure analysis and water quality evaluation of upper and middle Huai River basin. Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2017, 11(1): 165-173. / 左其亭,陈豪,张永勇*,刘静.淮河中上游轮虫群落结构分析及水质评价[J].环境工程学报,2017,11(1):165-173.(CSCD、北大核心,T3)
    • Zuo Qiting , Luo Zengliang, Shi Yongqiang, Gan Rong, Liu Jing, Chen Hao. Main parameters and physiographic characteristics of Shayinghe River Basin. Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering, 2016, 47(12): 66-72. / 左其亭,罗增良,石永强,甘容,刘静,陈豪. 沙颍河流域主要参数与自然地理特征[J]. 水利水电技术,2016,47(12):66-72. (北大核心)
    • Zuo, Q. T.*, Liu, J., Dou, M. Analysis of the impact of dam operations on the river water ecological environment. Advance in Water Science, 2016, 27(3): 439-447. / 左其亭*,刘静,窦明. 闸坝调控对河流水生态环境影响特征分析[J]. 水科学进展,2016,27(3)439-447. (EI,T2)
    • Qiting Zuo*, Jing Liu. China’s river basin management needs more efforts[J].Environmental Earth Sciences, 2015, 74(12): 7855-7859. (SCI)

  • Achievements and AWARDS

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    1. Collaborative application on A mapping method, device, electronic equipment and storage medium for surface water, CN202110445678.0. 2021.04/地表水体制图方法、装置、电子设备及存储介质,2021-04-23 中国, 排名第2.
    2. Contributed to drafting Technical Specification for Emergency and Backup Water Source Management, local standard of Henan Province, 2023.09/《应急与备用水源管理技术规范》(DB41/T 2471—2023),河南省地方标准, 2023.09批准发布, 参与编制, 排名第5.
    3. Contributed to drafting Regulations on the Management of Water Rights Transactions in Henan Province (Trial Implementation) , issued by the Henan Provincial Department of Water Resources, 2022.12/《河南省水权交易管理办法(试行)》(豫水资〔2022〕43号),河南省水利厅, 2022.12印发, 参与编制, 排名第3.
    4. Contributed to drafting Guidelines on Enhancing the Demonstration Work for Water Resources in Planning, issued by the Henan Provincial Department of Water Resources , 2022.09/关于加强规划水资源论证工作的意见》(豫水资〔2022〕26号), 河南省水利厅, 2022.09月印发, 参与编制, 排名第3
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    1. Provincial Award for Science and Technology Progress, Third Prize, 2021. (collaborator) /河南省科学技术进步奖,三等奖,2021.
    2. Science and Technological Achievement Award of Henan Provincial Education Department, First Prize, 2020. (collaborator)/河南省教育厅科技成果,一等奖,2020.
    3. The 16th "Elite Cup" Teaching Innovation Competition for College Teachers, Third Prize, 2021 /第16届“菁英杯”青年教师课堂教学创新大赛,三等奖,2021.
    4. Provincial Social Science Outstanding Achievement Award, First Prize/省社会科学优秀成果奖一等奖(智库成果认定),2022.
    5. Henan Province Teaching Skills Competition, Second Prize, 2024/河南省教学技能竞赛二等奖,2024.