• Journal Editorial Board / Guest Editor

    Editorial Board-Pearl River

    Topic: Pollution Control in the Yellow River Basin: Monitoring, Restoration, and Management 

    Website for authors:


    Graduation submission fast track:


    Please note "2024 Graduate Students" on the title page and submission system

    Deadline: March 15th, 2024


    Guest Editor-Special Issue with Frontiers in Environmental Science

    Topic: Vegetation-soil-hydrology Interactions and Ecohydrological Processes

    Website for authors:


    Special issue website:


    Deadline: January 30th, 2024


    Guest Editor-Special Issue with toxics

    Topic: Pollution Control in the Yellow River Basin: Monitoring, Restoration, and Management

    Website for authors:


    Special issue website:


    Deadline: November 25th, 2022

  • social service

    Social Projects

    1. Liu, J. (PI) Alternative plan for drinking water source of Linzhou Gongshang Reservoir, 2022.04. / 林州弓上水库饮用水水源地替代方案,2022.04,主持

    2. Liu, J. (PI) Engineering Technical Services for Henan Qianping Reservoir, 2021.10. / 河南省前坪水库工程技术服务,2021.10,主持

    3. Liu, J. (PI) Water Resource Assessment for the Coal Mines of Xinzhuang, Xuehu and Liuhe.2023.07. / 新庄、薛湖、刘河煤矿水资源论证,2023.07,主持

    4. Liu, J. (CI) Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Groundwater Extraction Control in the Receiving Area of Central Route -Phase I of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project in Henan Province, 2021-2022. / 河南省南水北调中线一期工程受水区地下水压采评估, 2021-2022,参与

    5. Liu, J. (CI) Health Assessment of Nandagang Wetland in Cangzhou City. 2019. / 沧州市南大港湿地健康评估 2019,参与

    6. Liu, J. (CI) Evaluation on Construction Compliance for Ensuring the Security of National-level Important Drinking Water Source Areas in the Huai River Basin,2019–Present / 淮河流域全国重要饮用水水源地安全保障达标建设评估,2019,参与

    7. Liu, J. (CI) Evaluation on Acceptance for the Construction of National and Provincial Water Ecological Civilization Pilot Cities.2017-2020. /国家级及省级水生态文明城市建设试点验收技术评估,2017-2020,参与